Okay, so you have watched our video on the importance of having good Bodily Injury insurance limits, and you've read all of...
Northern Michigan Law Articles
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Who pays your medical bills and lost wages if you are hit by a car while walking or riding your bike?
Until July 1, 2020, if you were walking or riding your bicycle and got hit by an automobile and were injured, you could...
Car Insurance and You–How much Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance coverage should you get?
Your PIP Choice The biggest change for Michigan motorists under the recent amendments to the No-Fault law is that mandatory...
Car Insurance and You–What do you need for Bodily Injury insurance limits under the new No-Fault law?
BODILY INJURY INSURANCE COVERAGE Under the Michigan no-fault law, all motorists must purchase a minimum amount of bodily...
Car Insurance and You — Who Pays For Your Medical Bills if You Are Injured on a Motorcycle?
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Can posting on Facebook or other social media affect my case?
Nothing good is likely to come from any of your online posts after you’ve been injured in a car crash. Facebook and other...