Medication Errors Attorneys Northern Michigan

Medication errors can happen anywhere along the chain, from doctor prescription to actual distribution. Whether errors are caused by a lack of communication between doctors and pharmacies, or a lack of attention to detail, these errors can be serious and sometimes fatal.

Each day new drugs are created and approved. As the number of drugs increase, so too do the chances for confusion among these drugs.   One of the most common medication mistakes made today is mistaken identity. This mistake can occur based on a number of factors.

  • Similarities in name
  • Similarities in labels and packaging
  • Illegible handwriting in prescriptions
  • Overlapping product characteristics

If you are prescribed a medication, as a patient there are a number of things you can do to prevent mistaken prescription identities. Some ways you can do your part to avoid becoming a victim of a medication error include:

  1. Use only one pharmacy for all your prescriptions.
  2. Check the name of the medication and what the pills look like. If you have any questions, ask the pharmacist.
  3. Be sure that the purpose of the medication given to you by the pharmacist is what you were supposed to be receiving it for. If it sounds different from what the doctor told you, question it.

Your healthcare professionals should also be careful when prescribing possibly confusing medications. From ensuring that the order is legible by the pharmacist to counseling you as a patient on how to take the medication that is being prescribed and what it is for, these are just a few of the many ways healthcare professionals can help as well.

While any medication error is most likely an accident, it is still a mistake that can put your life in jeopardy.  If you have been the victim of a medication error, you need to contact medication error attorneys in Northern Michigan, APKH&C right away.

For a free medication error consultation, fill out the form below or contact us by phone at 1.877.732.2491.

Getting Started is Easy


Step 1

Schedule a no-obligation consultation with one of our knowlegeable attorneys.

Step 2

We’ll evaluate your case together and consider our options.

Step 3

We’ll work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.

I cannot put into words the amount of thanks that I owe to this law firm. I was treated like a human being, something my insurance company never did. I was treated with courtesy and kindness throughout this drawn out case. I consider myself fortunate to have individuals like APKH&C fighting for my rights.

-Bruce Gillissie