What you Need to Remember When Hunting This Season in Michigan

Nov 24, 2015 | General

Each fall, over a half million hunters head out to the woods in Michigan every year for deer season. Your Michigan hunting licensed is purchased, you’re dressed in orange, and firearms are ready to go, all in hopes of bagging the big one. Before you take to the cold, snow covered fields, it’s important to be aware of a few things. Knowing the law and having a safe experience, are vital to ensuring a successful season.

Know the law – You can always check with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for the most up to date laws and regulations when it comes to deer hunting in Michigan. The most recent information can also be found at the michigan.gov website here. Take a look at a few things to consider before you begin.

• You must have a hunting license.
• No shooting is allowed within 450 of a dwelling where someone lives of a farmer’s livestock lives without permission from the owner.
• Wearing orange is a requirement.
• Hunters must be at least 10 years old and may only hunt with an archery bow. Children ages 12 to 13 can hunt with firearms on private land only.
• The Michigan DNR implements special regulations in specific geographic zones to keep up with changes in the area’s deer population
• Chronic Wasting Disease is a communicable fatal brain disease in deer. Wildlife agencies fear deer this disease could severely reduce the deer population. Mandatory deer registration is in effect for several townships in Clinton because of this.
• You must be aware of the baiting and feeding laws in Michigan. Use of a drone to locate deer is illegal.

When it comes to the law and hunting in Michigan, make sure you always know the current rules and regulations. There are many more than the ones listed above and it’s your responsibility to know them.

Once you’ve got your hunting license in hand and you know the laws, making sure your hunting trip is safe and successful are your main concerns. Consider these tips:

• Make sure your equipment is ready and working.
• Think about taking a shooting lesson or find somewhere to practice your shooting skills before you go.
• Get an early start. With so many hunters in the woods, deer can be spooked by the sound of gunshots as well as the smell of humans.
• Choose the location of your blind wisely. Somewhere near a stream or near a bedding area are areas where deer may be traveling.
• Hunt early in the season. Deer are out hunting for food as the season changes and there are more of them out in early fall.
• Wash hunting clothes in a non-scented detergent before you head to the woods. Keep them in a plastic bag until you arrive at your hunting area.
• Check out aerial photos of your hunting area before you go and choose the best stop to set up.
• Excellent concealment of your tree stand blinds can fool the cautious eye of a deer, and also provide shelter from the cold and harsh winds.

Deer hunting in Michigan is a much loved sport for friends and families who look forward to it every year. Make sure you stay safe by following the laws and remember to use tick repellent as tick-borne illnesses can ruin your trip and much more. As far as injuries, the majority occur when hunters fall from their tree stands when they are climbing in or out. Always wear a full body harness to avoid a severe injury.

Atkinson Petruska Kozma Hart & Couture wish you a safe and successful deer hunting season this season and for seasons to come.

APKH&C have a 35 year history and are advocates of injury victims’ rights. We believe in fighting for victims and their families when they cannot fight for themselves and take good care of our clients.

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